The Silverline Bike Rack is designed to securely carry up to three standard bicycles, with a total weight capacity of 45kg. This bike carrier features a strong, steel tubular construction and includes nylon bike straps, nylon mounting straps, and foam pads to ensure a secure fit. It folds away for easy storage and is compatible with most saloons, hatchbacks, vans, estates, and coupes.
Key Features:
- Capacity: Carries up to 3 bicycles (total 45kg) or 2 bicycles (30kg) for booted saloons
- Construction: Strong steel tubular frame
- Mounting: Includes 4 foam pads, nylon bike straps, and 6 nylon mounting straps for secure fit
- Storage: Folds away for easy storage
- Compatibility: Suitable for most saloons, hatchbacks, vans, estates, and coupes